We are delighted to announce the resumption of full train operations, following the repair of Bridge #299, which was damaged on 10 April 2023, after an accident involving a Rescue Crane in Mpika, Zambia.
Therefore, both the Mukuba and Kilimanjaro Passenger Trains will run as per normal train schedule, departing New Kapiri-Mposhi and Dar es Salaam on Tuesday at 4:00pm and 1:50pm, respectively.
Tunayo furaha kutangaza kurejea kwa shughuli kamili za treni, kufuatia ukarabati wa Daraja #299, ambalo liliharibika tarehe 10 Aprili 2023, baada ya ajali iliyohusisha Rescue Crane huko Mpika, Zambia.
Kwa hiyo, Treni za Abiria za Mukuba na Kilimanjaro zitaendeshwa kwa ratiba ya kawaida ya treni, zikiondoka New Kapiri-Mposhi na Dar es Salaam siku ya Jumanne saa 4:00 jioni na 1:50 jioni mtawalia.